Monday 21.02.22

Thanks so much to Chris, once again, for stepping in at the last moment. I’m certainly hoping that I’m not ill any more, as I’m thoroughly missing you all.
A busy week, and lots of exciting plans for the future, so I’m looking forward to continuing our amazing work.

What we did on 21.02.22

I heard that the Dvorak Symphony no. 8, Movement 1 went excellently, so I’m very pleased with how that’s coming along. Similarly, Movement 4 is almost there, so we’ll be looking forward to running these soon.
I was also told that the Slavonic Dance no. 2 and the Weber went well, so I look forward to hearing those on Monday.

What we will do on 28.02.22

I’d like to see where things are at, so we’ll be running the first half of the programme in the first half of the rehearsal, and then working on this all in the second half.

19:30-19:40 – Dvorak Symphony no. 8, Movement 4, from Figure R (the Coda).
*Please note that this section will just be used as a warm up.
19:40-20:25 – Run the First Half (Invitation to the Dance, Slavonic Dances 2, 3, 8, Hungarian Dance no. 5)
20:25-20:35 – Break.
20:35-21:30 – Work on the First Half, according to the run.

The Spotify Playlist

is here. Hopefully it’s helpful in learning the music, and refining our interpretation of it.

Looking forward…

We’ll be running the Symphony on Monday 7th March, so please do have a look at any section of that you don’t feel comfortable with. I’m also hoping to arrange some sectionals, so will keep you updated with that.

See you all on Monday 28th!

– Ben